ED Justin Jones - PHADA Trustee
PHADA's Annual National Conference was held in June.
As a PHADA Trustee representing the state of Tennessee, ED Justin Jones attended.
Justin's two Trustee commitments include participation at the Finance Committee and Trustee meetings.
There were a variety of educational sessions; Justin enjoyed the HUD NSPIRE Regulation update best.
NSPIRE stands for National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate and Associated Protocols.
NSPIRE helps guide each Housing Authority with regulations to help keep an agency's properties up to date.
PHADA's 1,900-member housing agencies represent over 1.9 million low-income housing units throughout the USA.
The Association provides member agencies with important information, professional development and advocacy to help them administer adequate, safe housing for those in need across America.
PHADA is recognized as the industry leader for its analysis and its advocacy to Congress and HUD.