Gallaway Community Hiring Event
Participating companies:
- Amazon
- Comfort Keepers
- PPL Personnel Placements
- Ripley Housing
- Location: Center Pointe Apartments
- Address: 200 Jackson St., Gallaway, TN. 38036
- Time: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Date: Wednesday, May 3, 2023
If you are searching for career development assistance or job hunting this is the place to be. Multiple employers and resources available to assist job seekers.
On-site resume assistance with the Mobile American Job Center!!
For more information or to participate, email Shannon Freed.
American Job Center
Tennessee is not responsible for the participation of any advertised employers at our hiring and resource events. We solicit their participation in good faith that they may attend but acknowledge that unexpected events occur, which may prevent their attendance.